Thursday, June 15, 2023

I'm Still Here

A few weeks ago I heard a young woman share her story.
Her name is Gabby Lyons...look it up.
I love stories.
Especially I love true stories about people finding their way.  
Finding their way through
hardship, abuse, injustice, physical difficulty, financial difficulty, 
Or just working through the pain of being ignored; feeling invisible.

Gabby's story is one of saying, "I'm still here! spite of..."
(In her case it has been a litany of physical suffering)
It's not a success story in the sense of something amazing coming at the end of it.
She didn't become the head of a Fortune 500 company.
She didn't win any election.
She's not on the cover of a magazine.
Her autobiography is not a best-seller.
Again...she just said, "I'm still here!"
Feet, firmly planted in her faith.
In her trust.
With Jesus.
She hasn't been healed...yet.
And she's okay with that.
She's not going anywhere without him.  No matter what.
The phrase she used to identify her commitment was this: "Ten toes down!"
Oh how that made me smile.
And nod my head.  
She's digging in.
"As for me and my house..."

Not five toes down, with one foot ready to pivot and walk away.
Not looking over her shoulder for a better offer.
Ten toes down.  
Facing the challenge head on.
Quietly.  Determined. 
Drawing every bit of strength that she can from The Divine.
Leaning on support from all who may offer.
Thankful for what He's already done.
Returning her love for the love he extended to her first.
We need that example.
I need that example.
Let's choose this response today.
Let's choose it for ourselves and share it with others.
Not because it will get headlines or because it will pay off in something tangible.
Just because it will quietly ripple through us in a way 
                                                        that generates hope around us.
All of us.  Standing for each other.  
If you need me, I'll be here....
                                  TEN TOES DOWN.

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