We need to be careful.
Of all the places that we draw lines.
Between one-another.
I wish we felt the pull and the pain.
The ache.
The strain.
I wish we heard the ripping noise; when we tore our lives away from
someone else, for whatever reason.
I wish that we could see how our separation hurt.
Not just their hurt, but how it may impact us as well.
In the story it is recorded as a hopeful "we"....not... "us and them."
Let them be one, even as we are one.
We as reconcilers.
We as peacemakers.
We as ambassadors of this coming together,
of this Shalom.
And build a home there,
in the comfort zone of only those like us.
Not with them.
And their ideas.
And ways.
And appearance.
Them, on the outside of our peace.
I get it.
I know that there are some we must leave there.
Because of a history of struggle that we cannot bridge with our presence.
They are few.
He knows their names,
and will apply his grace to each of us,
how and where it's needed.
But for the many others.
Who will go?
To extend a hand, an invitation to them.
How about,
Here we are, send us.